Monday, September 24, 2007


Just before I left for work this morning, I found out that a very dear and beloved friend of mine (my closest friend, after Jen) tried to kill himself either last week or over the weekend. Details are sketchy right now, because the only source of information I have is my friend, himself, writing on a laptop, apparently from his hospital bed and apparently heavily medicated. There are 2000 miles between us, so I can't even go visit him. I can't talk to him face-to-face, I can't hug him; I have no way at all of letting him know he matters to me, except by sending him a stupid e-mail.


Jenny LaBo said...

He knows.

lymanfam said...

So sorry to hear about your friend. You and him will both be in our prayers this week.

Kara said...

I was sorry to hear about your friend, as well. We'll just keep praying.

Josh said...

Thanks, friends. I appreciate your support. I really do.

Kelly Glupker said...

I prayed for him last night too and will continue to do so as the Lord brings him to mind.

Josh said...

Thanks, Kelly. I appreciate it.