Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Oh Brudder...

By now everyone already knows I aced my final, thanks to my adorable wife. So we don't need to talk about that.

Let's talk about Phase 2, instead. Now that's we're past the ridiculously long lecture sessions of Phase 1, it's time to get down to doing some interesting stuff. Today, for instance, my lab partner and I checked the tension in the control cables of a Cessna 150G, with a tensiometer. Then we checked the primary control surface movements with a prop protractor. And then, to top it all off, we removed the rudder from the Cessna, cleaned and greased the bushings, then reattached the rudder. Tomorrow, I'll be assembling a control cable (copper sleeve and steel thimble on one end, swaged ball on the other) then attaching it to a turnbuckle and safety wiring it. I know all of this probably doesn't make much sense to many of you. Frankly, I'm too tired to try and explain it all right now. I mostly just wanted to establish that my tools are finally proving to be a good investment.


Anonymous said...


I know what you talking a bout i think is great Love Terry

chris k said...

Hooray for tools that you know how to use! I am happy for you that you are starting off on a positive note for phase 2.