Thursday, February 15, 2007


Occasionally, when I fly a cross-country it becomes necessary to stop and fuel up the plane. Twice now, I've gotten fuel at Safford Regional Airport (SAD). I really like stopping there. It's sort of remote and quiet, and it's good practice taxiing from the active runway to different points on the airport. Anyhow, when I was there on last week's cross-country I took a few pictures. The mountains in the background look fake but, trust me, they're real.

The building behind the Cessna is the FBO where I buy my fuel. On the men's room walls, they have newspaper pages from the late 1940's. They also have an amusing little sign next to the sink. I'm going to try to get a picture of it on my next cross-country.

These are fuel trucks. It's impractical to try to taxi a plane up to a gas pump for fueling, since planes have a fuel tank in each wing, so they fill the truck up with fuel and drive the truck up to the planes for fueling.

This is just a cool-looking hangar with some beautiful mountains in the background. That's my rudder on the right hand side, but its presence in the picture is incidental.

And finally, this is a jet that was just sitting on the ramp. It looked very out-of-place as it was the only jet among a handful of prop planes. I had to snap a picture.

And that's Safford. I hope to fly my wife out there one day.


Anonymous said...

Why does that make you sad?

Josh said...

The three-letter airport identifier for Safford is SAD.

Anonymous said...


Josh said...

No, LOL is Derby Field in Lovelock, Nevada. Safford is SAD. C'mon, Jen. C'mon.

Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures! Will be waiting with bated breath for that restroom snapshot...

Josh said...

If I fly an X-C on Monday, I'll be sure to stop in and take that picture.