Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Final Exam

I just got home from my final exam in Instrument Ground Training class. I managed to rake in some extra credit during the semester, and I get a full letter grade bonus on my end grade because I didn't fail any tests, and I was pretty confident taking the final, so my odds of passing the class are pretty good. If I pass, I will get written authorization to take the FAA instrument written test. A passing grade on that test, along with passing an instrument check ride, will earn me an instrument rating on my pilot certificate. I don't ever intend to actually use the privileges of my instrument rating, but it's required of an MAF pilot/mechanic. That's very encouraging. It means we're still inching our way toward the mission field, albeit slowly.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information on the tests . I am very proud of you best of luck you father law Terry

Anonymous said...

You're doing great! But then I never had any doubts that you wouldn't. Keep up the good work, I continue to pray for you and jen