Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Things You Find in the Shower

A couple weekends ago, I spent some time outside doing yard work (I'm working on digging up an ugly old shrub; no mean feat when the ground hasn't seen a drop of rain in a few months).

When I came in for the day, I was covered in dirt, so I turned on the shower, got the water just right, got out of my clothes, and just as I was about to step in, I noticed something...

Apparently, lizards get to feeling grimy sometimes, too. After waiting for Jen to take several photos of our unexpected guest, I struggled back into my work clothes, caught the little freeloader, and turned him loose outside.

If he looks a little traumatized in this picture, you'll have to excuse him. He did, after all, see me in the buff.


Kara said...

ha ha! I love seeing snippets of your everyday life in AZ.

Yeah, digging out a bush is hard enough here, I can 't imagine what your ground is like.

Josh said...

We actually got a little bit of rain this morning, which would have made today a perfect day for bush-digging. Of course, today was the day we went over and helped Chuck and Patty set up for the sunrise service/breakfast. Now that's just unhappy timing.