Thursday, July 19, 2007

Phoenix and Back Again

Here are the pictures I took on my cross-country yesterday. As always, clicking on them will enlarge them.

I know I've done this picture before, but it bore repeating. This is what my instruments look like in flight.

I took this because I was curious what I look like when I'm flying. Apparently the answer is, "scary and intense."

This is the town of San Manuel. I thought the layout of the town was interesting. It's far less square than most towns I fly over.

This is Coolidge Airport. It was my final checkpoint before I ventured under Phoenix's airspace and into Gateway's airspace.

This was the view just behind Coolidge. It was an eerie thing to behold, after spending a year flying over round fields.

For reasons I just don't understand, some people actually enjoy playing golf. I will admit, though, that golf courses are very pretty from the air.

And, finally, this is Benson Airport. I actually had a much better shot of this airport all lined up, and then I accidentally hit the camera's power button and lost it.

Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed them. They're the last ones I'll be taking for a while.


Kara said...

Thanks again for the great pictures. I have never been in a plane in my life, so it is all very fascinating to me!

Josh said...

Really? Never? Is it a fear thing, or have you just never had the opportunity?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Pictures have a great day Terry

Kara said...

Not a fear thing, just never had anywhere to go. I would love to come see you guys, maybe before your stint is up there I could fly in for a quick visit!

Laurie said...

Great pictures Josh!

Kara, can I come with you? I love to travel! I'll be going to Kansas City in Sept. for work, you can come along Kara. :)

TraceyLD said...

I loved the pictures Josh. Thanks for sharing.

That golf course seemed to be out of place. So green!

When I was a kid, I flew with my uncle a few times. It was always cool flying over my own house and looking at my area from above.

Josh said...

Thanks. I really like taking pictures from the air and sharing them. It's always a little disappointing, though, because the pictures never do justice to the sights I see up there.

Glad you liked the pictures. I'm excited to take Jenny up for the first time, so she can marvel at how different things looks from the air.

Josh said...

Oh, and Kara, you're absolutely welcome anytime you're able to get out here.