Thursday, July 26, 2007


I've been kinda out of it lately, when it comes to Blogger (and Livejournal). The thought of blogging has just lost its appeal for me, and I'm not sure why. I was taking a walk tonight (just got back), and I found myself thinking about writing a post (with pictures) about my flight bag. When I first started out on here, I was all excited about passing along the stuff I was learning, and generally any sort of aviation-relating thing I found interesting. I've gotten pretty far away from that in the last months, so I think I'm going to try to get back into it by posting about my flight bag: what it's all about, what's in it, why I've chosen those particular items, etc. Maybe this all sounds terrible arrogant or something, but the truth is, I find flight bags in general really interesting. Maybe some of the rest of you do or will, too (I'm thinking, though, that most of the gals who read the post will say something like, "Oh, it's like a big (or in some cases, not so big) purse for pilots"). Anyway, keep an eye out for that post. It'll be coming soon.