Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nothing in aviation is ever concrete...

I sat down and talked with Belinda regarding my commercial training and the requirements I have to meet. It turns out I'm still going to have some flight time to log before I'm done with Commercial 2. Here's how this discovery changes my last post: instead of 1 night solo cross-country, I now have two; instead of only having the one long day cross-country, I now also have 2 (possibly 3) shorter, though still fairly long, cross-countries to fly in addition to the long one; I'm going to end up logging 8-10 hours of local solo time, just flying around the valley to rack up hours.


Kara said...

Boy, you are going to be a regular pro by the time you finish that up. Sounds like the weather has been good lately, that's a plus.

Josh said...

If we could just get the winds to die down, I'd be all set for weather.