Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Great scott! I just noticed that if you read the "random facts" part of my profile in a certain mindset, you could draw the conclusion that we're trying to get pregnant. I feel an overwhelming need to clarify as immediately as physically possible. Jen and I are most certainly NOT trying to become pregnant at this time. Please don't read more into the profile than is intended to be conveyed. Yes, I write messages to my future child. Yes, I'm secretly (I guess not really secretly anymore) envious of my friends who have kids. Yes, we would very much like to be parents one day. But that day is not today, or any day in the near future. It's probably more like a "someday between finishing college and moving overseas" kinda thing. Now you know.


Anonymous said...

Relax, dude, I have enough for both of us right now.

Jenny LaBo said...


Pam said...

We're ok with waiting for someday. And Kara's right. She does have enough for all of us :) So glad she shares.