Thursday, November 02, 2006


There have been times in my 8 years in Christ when, out of the blue, I've been staggered by a sense of conviction regarding some area of my life. No warning, no train of thought leading up to it, no particular reason at all, save the Holy Spirit moving within me. I had a moment like that today, somewhere between walking home from class and folding laundry. It was one of those moments that stops you in your tracks and takes the breath out of you, where you're astonished by the fact that something could so suddenly cut you so deeply, when you've lived with it so long without it ever really bothering you before. A moment that derails whatever mood you'd been in two minutes prior and breaks your heart. And here I am.


Pam said...

Happy Birthday to you!!

Chris said...

Happy Birthday Josh!!

Kelly Glupker said...

Guess what I logged on to say?