Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Holy crap! I passed my stage check! I gotta testify. My short-field and soft-field landings have been consistently bad since I started doing them. Even yesterday, I attempted 10 landings total (a mix of short and soft), and only managed to pull off one decent soft-field landing. Today, I asked God (repeatedly) for skill, for knowledge, and for His will to be done in this. Belinda had me do one short-field and one soft-field landing, and was so pleased with both of them that she didn't make me do any more. I also did very well on all the other exercises I had to demonstrate. In fact, Belinda only critiqued one thing I did, but after I explained my reasoning to her she agreed that my decision was valid.

The other thing I asked God for this morning was the humility to continue to give Him all the glory for my flying and keep none for myself. I'm telling you very plainly that God worked a miracle this morning in that He enabled me to do far better than I really expected to do. He gave me that skill and knowledge I asked for, and His will was done. The flight was His, and I praise Him for His goodness.


Jenny LaBo said...


Josh said...

Oh, Jenny. You know I love it when you do your Howard Dean "this is why the Democrats dumped me from the 2004 presidential election" shout.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Josh! I would really like to hear Jenny do the Howard Dean shout- next time you call, OK jenn?

Josh said...

Jenny actually doesn't do the Howard Dean psycho shout. It would be cool if she did, but alas.

Jenny LaBo said...

I do plenty of other things that are a little off though...I think you both have been a witness too :)