Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday: great news, good news, and bad news.

As I was preflighting my new favorite plane (2143Y) this morning, I got a phone call from my lovely wife. It seems she got the financial aid job she's been trying to get since we arrived in AZ. So, bright and early tomorrow morning, she's driving out to Sierra Vista for her first day of training. Excellent.

A short time after I got off the phone with Jen, while I was still preflighting the plane, Joshua came out to have a brief word with me. It seems a new student is starting to fly, and for reasons unknown to either of us, he MUST fly at 8:15. The problem, of course, is that I'm Joshua's 8:15. So I've effectively been bumped to 6:45. Yup. A.M. I'm not thrilled about it, but I almost got bumped to the afternoons, and I'd much rather fly mornings, so I can't complain too much. Plus, since Jen and I both have to walk out the door at 6:30, neither one of us will have to worry about getting ready quietly so as not to wake the other.

So there's the great news and the bad news. The good news is that I finally made a really good landing this morning. As I mentioned previously, I've been having trouble with the flare. I finally got it today. Granted, it was only one good landing out of 4 attempts, but it's still one good landing! Plus, I might have a valid excuse for not doing better on my other landings. See, the new student who got my 8:15 flight time showed up this morning and rode back seat on my lesson. I did some calculations after my lesson, and it turns out our weight and balance this morning were not exactly kosher, so the plane wasn't handling the way the manufacturer intended. It would explain why Joshua kept warning me about being too fast on my landing approaches, when I've never had that problem before. The fact that I actually managed to pull off a good landing this morning is probably very significant in light of this, but I'm not sure exactly how. I'll let you know if it comes to me.

And, just because I haven't posted a picture in a while, I'm going to root through my files and see if I can find one to post. Enjoy!
Update: Apparently, blogger isn't letting me post pics right now. Reckon I'll try again later. I had a good one picked out, too. Sorry.