Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Private Pilot by Thanksgiving

I just got home from my check ride. By the grace of God, I passed it. I am now a Private Pilot. What that essentially means is that I can now legally fly a plane by myself, without an instructor or an instructor's endorsement whenever we have the money to rent an airplane for me to fly. It also means that if we do rent an airplane for me to fly, I can now take Jenny up with me. This will most likely result in higher quality aerial photos in greater quantities, again assuming we find money to rent a plane.

Just like I did after my last stage check, I need to make sure the glory for this is all directed toward Almighty God. This isn't anything I'm achieving on my own. I'm here, both in this place and in this flight program, because God desires it to be so. The skill in my body and the knowledge and wisdom in my mind are gifts from God and answers to prayer. The successes I enjoy are also gifts from God, and also happen solely because it is God's will that they should. Without Him, I'm unable to do any of this. Without Him, I'm nothing.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Josh!!!!!
That is AWESOME!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is honestly the most uplifted I've felt all day. congratulations Josh!! God is good. Kara

Josh said...

Thanks, both of you. I appreciate it.

Kelly Glupker said...

Good Job!

Anonymous said...


Chris said...

Congratulations, Josh!!

Josh said...

Thank you, everyone. It makes me feel really good to know so many people care enough about me to follow my blog. So thanks.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Josh! I am so glad that test is over - I was very anxious for you! Whew!

Anonymous said...

Hey, congratulations on your liscence!!!!!!!!!

Now that you're "legal", how often do you think you'll be flying? I mean, how tough is it to rent a plane, etc?

It's odd that AVIS is a car rental place and not a plane rental place...

Rick Skowronski

Josh said...

Hey, thanks. It's not terribly difficult to rent a plane, I'm told. It really comes down to finding a plane to rent, and being able to afford to rent that plane. You go to the FBO or whoever is renting the plane, you go up with them for a bit to prove you're not going to total their plane, and then you're allowed to rent their plane. Finding planes to rent isn't really a problem for us. Affording them, on the other hand, is an issue. A rental plane can go from $60 to $100 an hour (ballpark), and with only Jen working, we just don't have that kind of disposable income. I have permission from one of the big-wigs here to fly a local solo sometime before the semester ends, so I'll be able to log one more hour before the new semester starts. The only downside there is that Jen can't come up with me in a school plane. But I guess we take what we can get. Soon as the new semester starts, I'll be back to flying a few times a week.