(As always, click on the pictures to enlarge them.) Here are some pictures from Friday's cross-country. This is the airport in Willcox. It's called Cochise County Airport.
This isn't really anything specific. I just thought it looked pretty.
I forgot the name of this body of water, and I'm too lazy to look it up right now. I will say, though, that it kept me from becoming very lost on the first leg of my journey.
And here are some more of those round fields. A lot more. Also, I'm pretty sure those shiny things are solar panels. I think they're the first ones I've seen on any of my flights.
Thanks for the pictures made my day mom and Dad Wilson
That last picture especially is remarkable. Wish I knew more about what's going on there. Is it some sort of SETI project?!?
I don't know what a SETI project is. If you're talking about the round fields, that's just how they do it out here. It makes irrigation easier. Those round fields are all over the valley. I see them everytime I fly.
S earch for
E xtra
T errestrial
I ntelligence
I thought maybe it was some sort of geometric code. I think SETI was in the movie "Contact".
That was a great movie...it was no x-files though
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