Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bird's Eye View

(As always, click on the pictures to enlarge them.)
Here are some pictures from Friday's cross-country. This is the airport in Willcox. It's called Cochise County Airport.

This isn't really anything specific. I just thought it looked pretty.

I forgot the name of this body of water, and I'm too lazy to look it up right now. I will say, though, that it kept me from becoming very lost on the first leg of my journey.

And here are some more of those round fields. A lot more. Also, I'm pretty sure those shiny things are solar panels. I think they're the first ones I've seen on any of my flights.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures made my day mom and Dad Wilson

Ben said...

That last picture especially is remarkable. Wish I knew more about what's going on there. Is it some sort of SETI project?!?

Josh said...

I don't know what a SETI project is. If you're talking about the round fields, that's just how they do it out here. It makes irrigation easier. Those round fields are all over the valley. I see them everytime I fly.

Ben said...

S earch for
E xtra
T errestrial
I ntelligence

I thought maybe it was some sort of geometric code. I think SETI was in the movie "Contact".

Jenny LaBo said...

That was a great was no x-files though