Saturday, May 19, 2007

Post-Flight Date

Oh, yeah, and then after I got back from flying, we went and saw Shrek the Third. It was very good. I laughed a lot. It may not have been as funny as it seemed at the time, but I had tons of leftover tension I needed to get rid of. Laughing did the trick for me. The movie really was enjoyable, though. One of the highlights of the experience happened about 2/3 of the way through the movie, and didn't actually involve the film at all. There were a little boy and little girl with their parents (I'm guessing) sitting off to our left a ways. Suddenly, I heard the boy cough a bit, and then I heard a splash. And then the little girl said, very loudly, "Did he just throw up on my shoes?!" It was hilarious! What wasn't so funny was when, a short time later, the puke smell finally wafted over to us and stayed with us for pretty much the rest of the movie. There were quite a few people there, and we weren't sure how much longer the movie was, so finding new seats seemed like a whole lot of effort. In the end, we alternated between breathing into our hands and breathing into the collars of our shirts. Still, though, it was a good movie and I'm glad we went.