Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stupid is as Cochise does...

Family housing had our once-a-semester hall meeting last night. What a complete and ridiculous waste of time. As Jen and I drove to Tucson with the Lymans this past Saturday, we had a conversation about what we'd like to discuss at the meeting on Monday. We jotted down about 5 items we felt were important so we'd be sure to remember them. Last night, as soon as the meeting started, the assistant director asked us if we had anything we wanted to bring up. As soon as I told him and the director we had a list of items, they both visibly shut down. Then they proceeded to shoot down every single one of our issues (except that they're going to try to bring back Nickelodeon). And it wasn't that they politely addressed the issues we raised. Instead, they got downright rude. For instance, I brought up the fact that we weren't comfortable putting our stuff in a maintenance storage area where the maintenance workers would have access to it, and we wouldn't be able to get to it without someone unlocking the door for us. I asked if they could do any better for us, and the assistant director's response was, "You're not getting a key." The problem with that answer is that 1) I never asked for a key, and 2) it almost completely failed to address the real issue at hand. Then, when we had exhausted our list of issues, they told us they had nothing else to discuss with us, and they dismissed us. The big question that all of this raises is, if they're not open to discussing our problems or suggestions, and they don't have anything of their own to talk to us about, then why even call a meeting in the first place? But yet, that's how so many things at Cochise College are done. I'm reminded of little kids playing grown-ups. They act out those motions and actions they see adults doing, but they don't really understand the significance of those actions a lot of the time. In the same way, the leadership at this college tries to go through the motions they see competent people performing, but they have no idea what those motions are supposed to accomplish:

"Hey, we should have a hall meeting with the family housing students."


"Umm... because that's what you're supposed to do at a college."

"Do you have anything you need to address with the family housing students?"

"Nope. But I know you're supposed to have hall meetings at a college. That's just the way it is."

"That's a really good point. Let's have a hall meeting!"


Kelly Glupker said...

Did you get a chance to talk to them about the purpose of the meeting?

Josh said...

By the time the meeting drew to a close, I really didn't trust myself to open my mouth and say anything else. And since the once-a-semester hall meeting is really the only time either of those two guys make themselves available to us, it seems like it's going to have to wait til next semester.

Kara said...

That is very frustrating. I am proud of you for not saying anything you might regret. I think I would have had a hard time holding that all in.