Friday, May 25, 2007

8 Random Facts

I've apparently been tagged, which means I have to come up with 8 little-known facts about me. I find myself at a slight disadvantage, since I more or less already did this when I filled out my Blogger profile. However, I just happen to be one of my favorite topics of discussion, and I'm disinclined to turn down opportunities to talk about such a fascinating topic, so here we go.

1) For a short time in the first half of this decade, I had electric blue hair.

2) I used to (and kind of still do) want to open a coffeehouse.

3) This is my fourth attempt at college.

4) I still fantasize (regularly) about becoming a superhero.

5) I have a small, underdeveloped third nipple a few inches below my left one.

6) I have a lifelong love of hats of all kinds, but I'm usually too self-conscious to wear any but a standard ball cap.

7) When I was a kid, I used to read multiple books at a time because it was like being able to change the channel when I got bored with one.

8) I can remember the most obscure names and lines in movies and literature, but I struggle to recall even general details from my own life.

There. That should do it. Now I'm supposed to tag 8 other people, but I don't thank I have any Blogger friends who haven't already been tagged. What I'm going to do instead is invite my readers who don't have their own blogs to leave comments on this post and reveal their 8 little-known facts. I'm talking about you, parents and parents-in-law.


Kara said...

Now we know why you swim with a shirt on.

Jenny LaBo said...

exactly. The strange thing is the first time we went to the beach he showed me.
I'm not going to lie. It was weird.

Kelly Glupker said...

I have a friend I went to college with who moved to China. She is a single girl who wanted to do some sort of mission work. She opened up a coffee house there and has used it for ministry opportunities. You may not want to let that dream die!