Saturday, May 19, 2007

Where Credit is Due

I feel like I don't give God the credit/glory He deserves in my life. He's certainly got some coming for my cross-country yesterday. As I was dealing with the clouds and the turbulence and stuff, I kept praying, "God, help me." And He did. Most of my trip was remarkably free of turbulence. He enabled me to get oriented when the clouds put me off-course, and He gave me a path back home. I asked Him to keep the clouds away from the college so I could get back and land safely, and He did. I didn't have to fly around any clouds after I got situated on my new course. I asked Him to keep the clouds from developing into thunderstorms, and He did. And, despite my final landing being ugly and as un-graceful as any landing could ever be, it was also a safe landing that didn't result in damage to me or the airplane or the runway. And that was God, too. So all the glory and all the credit for a successful cross-country belongs to God, and to Him alone.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing what our God will do when all we do is ask. I am very thankful He co-piloted with you on your journey. One done and one more to go?
I love you,