Thursday, May 31, 2007

At a Loss

The other day, Jen noticed that a chick had fallen out of its nest. Now, for the sake of not incriminating myself, I'm not going to mention the type of bird this chick happened to be. What I will tell you is that I put on a dirty, old pair of gloves and helped the chick back into its nest. Problem solved. Well, now the stupid chick has fallen out of its nest again. The fact of the matter is that five chicks is just too many for this nest, and it seems inevitable now that at least one of them is probably going to keep falling out. The chick is unhurt as far as I can tell, but I'm hesitant to put it back up there again. Truth be told, I don't have any clue what to do in this situation. Do I just let nature run its course and do nothing for the chick? Or do I go put it back again and wait for it to fall back out the next time? Any ideas would be helpful.


Kara said...

I'm thinking maybe the chick that "keeps falling out" is actually being pushed out by the siblings. You know, a black sheep sort of thing.
The runt of other litters gets squeezed out, maybe it happens with birds, too?

Jenny LaBo said...


Josh said...

So, you're saying I should kill the other four chicks to save the one that keeps falling? I don't know. That seems a little extreme. Frankly, I'm shocked that you would even suggest it. Shame on you!

Kara said...

Way to twist my words you dork