Monday, February 25, 2008

I just found out (seriously, it was only about 10 minutes ago) that my examiner doesn't want to start my check ride until 12:30 tomorrow afternoon. He also mentioned that we may very well end up doing the oral tomorrow and saving the hands-on until Wednesday (assuming we have decent winds on Wednesday). I'm mostly okay with that possibility. It enables me to really focus on passing the oral, without having flight stuff rolling around in the back of my mind the whole time. An added bonus of drawing the exam out like that, is that I probably won't have a flight period on Thursday (we'll just start fresh on Monday), so I'll have a four-day weekend in which I won't have to do ANY studying!!! Cross-stitch, here I come!


Jenny LaBo said...

And maybe some catch!!!

Kara said...

Ohhhh what are you working on now, Josh? You should post a pic when it's done! 4 day weekend sounds great!

Josh said...

I really can't say, Kara. It's a gift for someone, and I don't want them to see it til I give it to them.