Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cabbage is for eatin', not procreatin'!!!

I noticed an amazing coincidence as I was looking through our pictures from Christmas. This first picture is of my niece, Mady, holding her brand new Cabbage Patch Kid.

This second picture, meanwhile, is of my dad opening his brand new Cabbage Patch Kid. Now, it's a weird enough coincidence that they both got a Cabbage Patch doll. But if you look closer, you'll notice it's the exact same one!

No, seriously. It's the exact same doll. My dad is just getting it out of the box for Mady. :)


Anonymous said...

Too bad you couldn't have found an Andy Jackson doll. I guess all of the stores were out of them again this year.

Josh said...

Yeah, all they had for Andy Jackson merchandise was the "Put Down the Pipe" playset with the real Nicorette gum. Lame.

Kelly Glupker said...

So what your saying is that the doll he was opening wasn't really "his."? :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better Josh!

Josh said...

No, it wasn't really his... though I have a photo that says otherwise.

Thanks. I do today. Thank God it was during the weekend. They're pretty harsh about missing classes in the aviation program.