Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Unexpected twist

Joshua called me last night to tell me he's had a medical issue come up, making him unable to fly for at least the next 2 months. In practical terms, this means he's no longer my flight instructor, and that I don't even have a flight instructor for the time being. So I didn't fly this morning, even though I'm supposed to fly my first solo cross-country tomorrow morning. Joshua suggested I find Darren (the flight instructor who lives downstairs from me) and ask him to do my dual cross-countries with me. He also suggested I go talk to Belinda sometime today to find out what to do about the fact that I no longer have a flight instructor.

This really really sucks, but God knows it's happening and will no doubt use it for my good and His glory. I'll admit, I'm mighty curious to see how He pulls it off. And, to be fair, I was going to have to get a new flight instructor next semester, anyhow, since Joshua hasn't met the currency requirements for instrument instruction. I just thought I'd be able to finish my private certificate before then.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Josh.
And I think I know a fine old chap by the name of Andy Jackson that would love to go flying with you! Oh wait...can you still smoke pipes on planes?

Josh said...

Thanks, dude. I really appreciate that. Unfortunately, Andy would only be able to chomp his pipe, and not actually smoke it.

Jenny LaBo said...

Oh for the love we all know Andy is afraid to fly and would never leave the fame of Deckerville.

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean "frame"?

Josh said...

Hey! I'm the only one who's allowed to make lame jokes on this blog! Speaking of which, a horse walks into a bar...